Meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission on the Implementation of International Obligations of Turkmenistan on Human rights and International Humanitarian law

Meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission on the Implementation of International Obligations of Turkmenistan on Human rights and International Humanitarian law

On July 29, 2024, meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission on the Implementation of International Obligations Human rights and International Humanitarian was held in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It was attended by the representatives of Mejlis of Turkmenistan, ministries, agencies and non-government organizations, as well as the representatives of international organizations. Under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, Turkmenistan, implementing a creative foreign policy strategy, comes up with initiatives aimed at solving current global problems and establishing high humanistic ideals and values. Having declared the protection of interests and human rights as a key aspect of state policy and recognizing the priority of universally recognized international norms, our neutral Fatherland steadily follows its obligations.

In accordance with the agenda, the results of the work done by the Inter-departmental Commission in six months of 2024 were reviewed, as well as further steps on implementing the national plans in the field of human rights defined. 

The meeting participants noted that in order successfully resolve the tasks set by the head of state at the extended meeting of the Government held on July 12 of this year to strengthen cooperation with structural units of the United Nations and other authoritative organizations. The Interdepartmental Commission carries out comprehensive activities aimed at improving steps to fulfill international obligations countries in the field of humanitarian law.

During the meeting, participants discussed the priority vectors for the upcoming work of the Commission, government bodies and public associations in the field of ensuring human rights and implementing the norms of international humanitarian law. As the participants has highlighted, the main indicators of the democratic transformations carried out in Turkmenistan are the creation of optimal conditions for the life of the population, ensuring the implementation of constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens. It was noted that during the reporting period, a number of national measures were taken to further democratize and strengthen the legal foundations of the state and society.

While summarizing the work done in the reporting period, the speakers drew attention to the importance of recommendations of the UN Committees on human rights concerning the provision of rights and interests of citizens. 

The Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the Community of Nations provide for a series of joint actions for sustainable economic growth, social development and environmental protection. They determine a set of tasks that directly relate to the sphere of human rights, which creates additional opportunities for active cooperation between Turkmenistan, UN structures and other international organizations.

Consistently implementing a policy of constructive partnership, our country attaches special importance to expanding interaction with UN agencies in strengthening global peace and sustainable development. At the same time, great attention is given to dialogue on a wide range of issues in the field of human rights, including ensuring gender equality, maternal and child health, the rights of persons with disabilities, as well as youth policy, etc.

Each of the areas of cooperation with international organizations is  reflected in the corresponding joint plans and projects on which practical work is carried out. The meeting participants discussed a number of issues in the human dimension that provide for further interaction. Special emphasis on the importance of systematically held seminars, meetings and consultations on the preparation of national reports, reviews and studies of best practices in the field of human rights protection in accordance with international UN documents.

The representatives of international organizations expressed gratitude for their support and fruitful cooperation that meets the goals of common well-being.

Other issues were also discussed at the meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission.