"The Constitution of Independent and Neutral Turkmenistan: statehood, legality and justice" - under this motto, a scientific and practical conference was held on May 17 in Ashgabat at the Center for Public Organizations of Turkmenistan.
The forum was organized by the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan with the assistance of public and political organizations to celebrate the Day of the Constitution and the State Flag of Turkmenistan. The conference was attended by the Chairman of Mejlis of Milli Gengesh and the Deputy Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Milli Gengesh, the authorized representative for human rights in Turkmenistan - the Ombudsman, the Chairman of the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan.
The participants of the conference especially noted the role of the distinguished President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in the development of the Constitution as a legal basis for the consistent modernization of the activities of state power and management bodies, including representative bodies. The initiative put forward by the Leader of the nation and implemented under his direct leadership the transition to a bicameral parliamentary system became a historic step in the development of Turkmen state.
During the conference, the director and researchers of the Institute of State, law and democracy of Turkmenistan gave speeches, emphasizing the importance and supremacy of the Constitution in the development of the country's legislation. We decided to share the content of some speeches with the readers:
“Reliable protection of the rights of youth” - Muhammedova Sulgun, researcher of the Institute of State, law and democracy of Turkmenistan.
- In Turkmenistan, fruitful work is being carried out to educate the young generation in the spirit of patriotism and respect for universally recognized standards and principles of international law. The state creates all conditions for all-round development of youth, the formation of a highly moral personality and a healthy generation. The head of state pays consistent attention to the young generation, in whom he sees the future of our country, encourages the desire for active participation of young citizens in socio-economic development of the country. A bright example is the State Program on the state youth policy of Turkmenistan for 2021-2025 and the Plan for its implementation
“Сonstitutional legal foundations of rational use of water resources” – Pashyieva Uzukjemal, researcher of the Institute of State, law and democracy of Turkmenistan.
- Nature protection, rational and efficient use of water and biological resources in Turkmenistan are based on constitutional principles. Analysis of the regulations on water protection and rational use of water resources testifies to the consistent development of the water legislation of Turkmenistan, as well as its harmonization with international standards. For the implementation of legal instruments aimed at the rational use of water resources, complex of organizational and economic measures is being carried out.
Having considered a wide range of issues, highlighting the achievements and outlining the ways for the further development of the country, the scientific-practical conference contributed to the study of modern Turkmen society and state. The forum ended with congratulations to the President of Turkmenistan.