On may 10, 2022, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan has hosted a joint meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission on the implementation of Turkmenistan's international obligations in the field of human rights and international humanitarian law and UN country team with participation of representatives of the Khalk Maslakhaty and Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan, a number of ministries, sectoral departments, public organizations and international missions accredited to our country.

As speakers noted, the Turkmen state under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov pursuing the creative foreign policy strategy, acts with initiatives aimed at solution of topical issues of global agenda, including issues on approval of high humane ideals and values. Having declared protection of interests and rights of human as a key aspect of the state policy and having recognized the priority of generally recognized legal standards, our independent neutral country strictly follows its international obligations.

In accordance with the agenda of the meeting, issues of realization of plans and participation in UN structures in further strengthening of cooperation in the field of protection of human rights were discussed. Constitutionally approved democratic principles are aimed at protection of rights of citizens of the country and supremacy of law in the light of development of Turkmen society at the modern stage. Accordingly, implementation of human rights ensures the strengthening of civil society and harmonious development of individual, state and society.

Priority areas of multilateral partnership with structural units of the UN for successful implementation of joint programs became separate subjects for discussion. In this connection, a special emphasis was made on the significance of Sustainable Development Goals until 2030, which were adopted by the United Nations and envisage a number of complex actions for sustainable economic growth, social progress and protection of the environment. This strategic document outlines the tasks directly concerning the sphere of human rights that creates additional opportunities for expansion of cooperation between Turkmenistan and UN agencies and other intentional organizations.

At present, the National Action Plan for human rights is realized within the framework of the joint project with the UN Development Program « Assistance in the implementation and monitoring of implementation of activities of the National Action Plan for Human Rights for 2021-2025». For the past period, a number of seminars were organized for the academic staffs of higher educational establishments on development of educational programs and methodology of teaching the youth in human rights taking into account international practice. In addition to it, in the resource centres for human rights located in regions and Ashgabat city information and educational seminars on development of legal awareness of population are held on a regular basis.

Our country successfully implements the policy of constructive partnership in the international arena and gives a great significance for expansion of cooperation with UN agencies in strengthening of universal peace and sustainable development, ensuring of human rights, including the rights of those people with disabilities, gender equality, protection of health of mothers and children, youth policy and other issues.

Each of areas of cooperation is reflected in the relevant joint Plans with international organizations on which practical work is carried out. In this connection, priority areas of partnership in realization of human rights and international law- increase of awareness in this sphere as well as joining of Turkmenistan relevant conventions and their optional protocols were subjects for discussion.

As participants of the meeting noted, at present, the work on preparation and submission of national reports on conventions on human rights to UN Treaty Bodies was intensified. Recommendations of international organizations are taken into account in realization of generally accepted standards of international law in the national legal system. In this connection, it was pointed out that relations with important organizations assume more and more wide format and efficient character.

Within the margins of the meeting, members of the Interdepartmental Commission spoke for continuation of an active dialogue with international organizations in the name of achievement of priority tasks of Sustainable Development Goals in the sphere of human rights implementation. In the given aspect, a special emphasis was made on the fact that harmonization of national action plans in this field with the Program «"Revival of a new era of a powerful state: the National program for the socio-economic development of Turkmenistan in 2022-2052"» is one of the significant areas of activity of the Interdepartmental Commission.

At the end of the meeting, they thanked international organizations for support sand fruitful cooperation, joint work on development and realization of projects and programs.

The meeting also considered other topical issues in the field of human rights and humanitarian law.