The second edition of the quarterly scientific and applied journal "Democracy and Law" for 2022 has been published. The publication prepared by the Institute of State, Law and Democracy of Turkmenistan covers topical issues of social life and international cooperation in the legal sphere of Turkmenistan in Turkmen, English and Russian languages. The release opens with the article “The main directions of UNDP cooperation in Turkmenistan” authored by Narine Sahakyan, head of the UNDP office in Turkmenistan. In this context, such main areas of cooperation are noted as strengthening the capacity of state institutions whose competence is the protection and promotion of human rights, raising the awareness of civil servants about international human rights standards, assisting in the preparation of national reports on the implementation of international conventions, etc.
For the attention of readers is proposed the article by the Deputy Representative of UNICEF in Turkmenistan Alexander Nartea "Progress in the implementation of the national action plan on the rights of the child for 2018-2022 and prospects for the development of a new NAP." The article “Gender Aspects in the Development of a Democratic Society” is devoted to expanding the opportunities for women’s self-realization, as well as their participation in socio-political and socio-economic life, which notes that achieving gender equality in all spheres of life has been and remains an important priority on the path to sustainable development of Turkmen society. The publication "Guarantees for the protection of human rights in the Constitution of Turkmenistan and the development of civil society" refers to the ongoing democratic transformations in the country, the improvement of national legislation in the field of human rights protection. The article "The Role of Digitalization in the Implementation of Administrative Legislation" will also attract the attention of readers, which deals with the key tool for progress - global technological transformation.
Among the publications of the magazine is the article "Ensuring the implementation of the rights of children in Turkmenistan", which touches upon the topic of the full disclosure of the potential of the young generation. Relations between peoples in the political, economic, cultural, scientific, educational and other fields require mutual understanding and productive dialogue and are reflected primarily in the language sphere. The article “Lexical features of legal texts in English” is devoted to this, in which the author claims that legal linguistics in the modern period is being studied as a new vector of linguistics, gives examples of the meaning and use of specialized terms. The material “On the Path of Independence and Neutrality” notes that the adoption of the UN Resolution “Permanent Neutrality of Turkmenistan” was an obvious recognition of the full support of the international community for the peace-loving policy pursued by our sovereign state, which is based on the primordial and unshakable traditions of good neighborliness, tolerance and humanism of the Turkmen people at the General Assembly of the United Nations held on December 12, 1995. A separate article is devoted to the environmental legislation of Turkmenistan, which is in the center of special attention of the state.
The publication completes with the traditional heading "Chronicle", which covers meetings, meetings and other events with the participation of representatives of authoritative international organizations.