Ashgabat, July 24 (TDH). Today, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs held a regular meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission to ensure the implementation of Turkmenistan's international obligations in the field of human rights and international humanitarian law. It was attended by representatives of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, a number of ministries and departments, public organizations of the country.

In accordance with the agenda of the meeting, the results of the work carried out by the Interdepartmental Commission for 6 months of 2023, the implementation of the Work Plan for 2021-2023 on the implementation of international humanitarian law, as well as issues related to the development of comprehensive cooperation between our country and reputable international organizations in the humanitarian field were discussed.

During the meeting, the ways of fulfilling the instructions given by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov at the expanded meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held on July 14, 2023, were determined to continue the work aimed at implementing the "open doors" foreign policy pursued by our country, based on the principles of positive neutrality, peacefulness, good neighborliness, equality, mutually beneficial cooperation, as well as the organization of various international events.

They also identified priority tasks and key areas of cooperation with specialized UN structures, the OSCE Center in Ashgabat and other international organizations.

The analysis of existing normative legal acts, the development of national programs, action plans, monitoring of the implementation of our country's international obligations in the field of political, economic, social and cultural human rights are the main activities of the commission. The meeting also paid attention to the preparation of proposals to bring national legislation to generally accepted international standards.

At the same time, the speakers noted the importance of consistent campaigning and propaganda work in the human rights information centers of the city of Ashgabat and the velayats, the mass media to fulfill the task of raising public awareness in the field of human rights.

As a full member of the Community of Nations, our country takes an active part in finding solutions to the important challenges. In recent years, the experience gained in cooperation with the UN has been consistently updated. The successful implementation of the initiatives of the Turkmen side of regional and global significance is reflected in projects and programs implemented jointly with reputable international structures.

As noted, the evidence of the development of effective international cooperation is the implementation of the National Action Plan on Human Rights in Turkmenistan for 2021-2025, the National Action Plan on Gender Equality in Turkmenistan for 2021-2025.

On June 21, 2023, the National Action Plan for the Realization of Children's Rights in Turkmenistan for 2023-2028 was approved by the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan. In connection with the adoption of the national plan, the meeting participants paid special attention to the priority areas of implementation of the tasks set by this program document. This document is based on the principles of the Constitution of Turkmenistan, the Law of Turkmenistan "On State guarantees of children's Rights", the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and other agreements aimed at ensuring the interests of children.

The National Plan reflects the main directions of policy aimed at further improving the situation of children, ensuring their rights and well-being. In this context, the speakers at the meeting stressed that caring for young citizens of the country is among the important aspects of the state policy pursued by the respected President. In accordance with it, great importance is attached to the harmonious development of children, raising them physically healthy, highly educated, and creating the most favorable conditions for their life.

The implementation of the National Action Plan for the Realization of Children's Rights confirms the fulfillment by Turkmenistan of its obligations to ensure the rights of young citizens of the country. Reports on the ongoing work in this area allows you to be acquainted with the level achieved by our country in this direction.

Also at the meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission were discussed specific directions for the implementation of the joint action plan with the United Nations Missions in Turkmenistan.

The meeting also considered a number of other issues.