“Turkmenistan at the 97th Session of the UN Committee: Commitment to Education and Protection of the Children’s Rights”

“Turkmenistan at the 97th Session of the UN Committee: Commitment to Education and Protection of the Children’s Rights”

The implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Turkmenistan was discussed at the 2823rd meeting of the 97th session of the Committee on the Rights of the Child held in Geneva. During the meeting, the delegation of Turkmenistan presented the detailed reports on the key areas: legislative reforms, protection of the children, healthcare and education. The Committee actively interacted with the delegation, asking questions and putting forward the recommendations to improve the situation with the rights of the child in the country. 

At the 97th session of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, Turkmenistan demonstrated its commitment to improving education and protecting the children’s rights. The delegation led by the Permanent Representative to the UN Office included the representatives of such key ministries as the Ministries of Internal Affairs, Education, Health, the Prosecutor General’s Office and the Institute of State, Law and Democracy. During the session, the delegation not only presented the report on the progress achieved, but it also actively participated in the dialogue with the Committee, discussing prospects for the further development and answering the questions.   

Significant Investments in Education 

One of the central points of the discussion was increase of funding for the education sector. In 2024, the state budget of Turkmenistan for the Ministry of Education amounted to 7,739,178.9 thousand manats, which is 9.3% more than the previous year. This significant budget increase demonstrates the state’s efforts to modernize and improve the quality of education, which is an important element of social policy of Turkmenistan.  

Along with increase of funding, Turkmenistan is actively working to improve the legislative base. In recent years, such important legislative acts as a new version of the Law “On Education”, the Law “On Social Services” have been adopted and updated, as well as amendments to the Criminal Code and other laws were made. These changes contribute to the creation of the more effective system for protecting the children’s rights and ensuring their well-being.   

Development of the Educational Programs and Social Work

Special attention is paid to the development of the educational programs and training of the specialists in the field of the social work and psychology. At Magtymguly Turkmen State University the students are actively trained in the areas of “psychology” and “social work”. Increase of the number of the students studying in these specialties helps to strengthen the country’s psychological support and social protection system, especially in the rural and remote areas.  

After the adoption of the new edition of the Law “On Education” in Turkmenistan, the Ministry of Education actively began the development and implementation of the by-laws necessary to regulate various aspects of the educational activities. 39 by-laws were prepared and agreed upon, these by-laws cover the key areas, including the management of the educational institutions, the standards of the academic programs, requirements for the teaching staff, and other important aspects that contribute to the creation of the modern and effective educational system that meets international standards.  

Inclusive Education and Alternative Care

The development of inclusive education is a key direction of the educational policy of Turkmenistan. There are 17 specialized schools in the country that provide education to the children with disabilities. These schools offer the educational programs suitable to the specific needs of the students, which contributes to their comprehensive development and successful integration into society. Inclusive education in Turkmenistan aims to create equal opportunities for all children, regardless of their physical or intellectual characteristics. Turkmenistan actively supports the children with disabilities by providing them with assistive devices and technologies that facilitate access to the education and participation in the public life. An important role in this field is played by Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation, which finances the purchase of orthopedic products, hearing aids and specialized equipment for training and rehabilitation. In Arkadag city there is Health Rehabilitation Center, where the children receive comprehensive medical and psychological care. The state is also introducing the modern technologies and adapted educational materials to improve the educational process for the children with special needs.      

These efforts, including the development of the Technical Transfer Specifications (TTS) in cooperation with the international organizations, highlight Turkmenistan’s commitment to creating an inclusive environment with equal opportunities for all children. In addition, Turkmenistan is developing and implementing the concept for alternative children care for 2024-2028. The plan of actions, which includes systematic monitoring and development of quality standards for adoption and family care, is aimed at improving the living conditions and upbringing of the children in need of the government support. This approach helps to create favorable conditions for the development and integration of the children into society, which is an important element of the country’s social policy.   

Military Schools and Voluntariness of the Participation 

During the discussion, the issue of the military educational institutions that operate in Turkmenistan was also raised. These schools are exclusively for the boys and participation in them is voluntary. The competition for the admission to these institutions is quite high, which indicates the significant interest of the young people in the military education. The curricula of these schools include both general educational and specialized disciplines aimed at the comprehensive development of the students. Thus, the military schools of Turkmenistan not only provide quality education, but they also ensure strict discipline, which contributes to the successful preparation of the students for future service in the country’s armed forces.   

Disaster Risk Reduction and Protection of the Children’s Rights

Climate change adaptation topics have been successfully integrated into primary and secondary education in Turkmenistan through the introduction of more than 14 250 teaching aids on the topics “Climate Change Adaptation and DRR”. These topics are now studied on the lessons of Natural History, Ecology, Geography and Principles of Personal and Social Safety. With the support from UNICEF the Ministry of Education also received the teaching materials for summer camps to raise the children’s awareness of climate change. The programs and manuals for preschool education have been developed to ensure continuity in the study of these topics at all levels of the education system.  

In addition, the Children’s Rights Oriented Disaster Risk Reduction Program and the Multi-Year Plan of Actions for 2023-2030 were developed and submitted. These documents are aimed at ensuring international standards in protecting the children’s rights in emergency situations. The teachers of the whole country have also improved their professional skills to effectively teach the topics related to climate change and disaster risk reduction.  

Active Dialogue with the Committee

During the session, the representatives of all key ministries of Turkmenistan actively participated in the dialogue with the Committee on the Rights of the Child. The delegation answered many questions regarding various aspects of the children’s rights, including education, health, social protection and legislative initiatives. The representatives of the delegation explained in detail current programs and plans for the future, emphasizing the country’s commitment to the international standards and obligations.   

Turkmenistan has demonstrated significant achievements in the field of education and social protection of the children, which was highly appreciated at the 97th session of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. Active participation in the dialogue and readiness for further development indicate the country’s serious intentions to continue the work on the improvement of the situation of the children and strengthening their rights.  

Thanks to the initiatives of the President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, Turkmenistan continues to strengthen its educational and social systems. These efforts are aimed at creating favorable conditions for the comprehensive development and well-being of the children, ensuring access to quality education and social support. Special attention is paid to inclusive education and creating conditions for the children with special needs, which is an important step towards the sustainable development of the country.