The Institute of State, Law and Democracy of Turkmenistan has prepared a new issue of the scientific-periodical “Democracy and Law” journal, which comes out once a quarter in Turkmen, English and Russian and highlights topical issues of public life and international cooperation in the field of law.

The release opens with a speech by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov at the first meeting of the deputies of the Mejlis of the seventh convocation, held on April 6 in Ashgabat.

The speech of the head of Turkmenistan reads a set of tasks aimed at consistently strengthening the democratic, legal and secular foundations of the state, increasing its international authority, as well as priority areas of internal and foreign policy.

As President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted, the protection of human and civil rights and freedoms, enshrined in the Constitution and laws of Turkmenistan, is the main goal of our state policy.

Based on this, one of the main functions of the legislative body of the country is the consistent improvement of the regulatory-and-legal bases of spheres of life of the state and society according to the realities of the times and good international practice in order to successfully deal the issues of development of the national economy and improvement the living standard of the population.

Turkmenistan’s foreign policy, based on the principles of positive neutrality, peacefulness, good neighborliness and constructive international partnership, is marked by success.

Our country is actively putting forward positive initiatives aimed at developing solutions to important regional and global challenges, consolidating the efforts of the world community, and also making a significant contribution to achieving Sustainable Development Goals.

By joining many international treaties, agreements and conventions, Turkmenistan has implemented the rules of international law into national legislation.

It is necessary to continue to improve and strengthen these processes in order to expand cooperation of the Motherland with international organizations and nations, which show great interest in establishing cooperation with our country both in bilateral and multilateral formats, the head of Turkmenistan noted.

The edition includes the articles “National Plan for a Happy Childhood” and “National Strategy for the Development of International Youth Cooperation”.

Adoption of the National Action Plan is called upon to promote the expansion of cooperation between our country and UNICEF, and create conditions for the implementation obligations to respect, protect and promote the rights of children.

Strategy for International Cooperation of the Youth of Turkmenistan for 2023–2030 years defines goals, objectives, and priority areas of partnership development at the regional and global levels and measures of its implementation. The strategy is aimed at promoting friendly relations between young Turkmen and their peers from other countries of the world in various fields and their participation in solving topical issues of the agenda.

There are opportunities in Turkmenistan for social support of the youth, health recovery and ensuring a happy life for children, as well as raising they have such qualities as patriotism, optimism, high morality, humanism and conscientiousness.

The publication “Recognition of International Initiatives of Turkmenistan” reads on active role of our country in world processes. In Turkmenistan, the year of 2023 is announced “International Year of Dialogue as a Guarantee of Peace” and is marked by activity on the world stage, strengthening trusting and friendly relations with various states, significant events.

Thus, during the 70th plenary meeting of its 77th session, the United Nations General Assembly, led by Turkmenistan’s initiative, with unanimous support of the UN Member States, has proclaimed November 26 as World Sustainable Transport Day. This event confirmed the importance of international initiatives of our country for all humankind.

The article “Development of National Legislation and Practice of Jurisprudence”, which reads on increasing efficiency of the judicial system and the professionalism of employees, on using of digital technologies, would attract the attention of readers.

Publication “The Path to Sustainable Development and Implementation of Science” is dedicated to the modernization of the legal framework of the scientific-and-educational sphere.

As noted, the use of modern scientific achievements is the most important factor of sustainable socio-economic development of our country. In this context, digital technologies are being introduced across all spheres; large competitive and science-based facilities are being constructed.

Article “Legislative and Organizational Bases for Attracting Youth to Science” also touches on topical tasks of the present. President Serdar Berdimuhamedov determined the assistance to youth in obtaining modern education, improvement of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, development of information and digital technologies, mastering those new scientific doctrines, technological experience in computer and Internet systems, education of high culture use of digital technologies and innovative means as important direction of the state youth policy.

A big role in the implementation of youth policy is assigned to the Magtymguly Youth Organization of Turkmenistan . As the head of state emphasized in his Address to the participants of the VIII Congress of this Organization held on January of this year, its main mission is to ensure patriotic education, quality education and involvement of young compatriots in creative activities and sports, revealing their talents, as well as the formation of a pleiad of young broad-minded specialists, who easy come with advanced technologies and committed to the ideals of nobility and family values.

The next issue of the “Democracy and Law” edition also includes materials such as “The Constitution of Turkmenistan and Magtymguly Fragi ”, “International and National Legal Norms in the Field of Environmental Protection", "National and International Principles on Ensuring Human Rights”, “Implementation of Digital Systems into Administrative Procedures”. In addition, the conditions for the competition of scientific-and-practical articles “Creative work and human right” have been published. The contest is announced to promote the importance of the constitutional reforms and permanent neutrality status implemented in our Motherland to a wide public.  

The next issue of the journal ends with the traditional “Chronicle” column, which offers the reader an overview of sessions, meeting and other events held in Ashgabat with the participation of representatives of the authoritative international organizations.