Master’s student of the Turkmen National Institute of World Languages named after Dovletmammet Azadi
The National Leader of the Turkmen People in his work “Mertler Watany beýgeldýär (The Brave Glorify the Motherland)” underlines: “Patriotic education is the basis of education in the Turkmen family” [1, p. 153]. At all times, the education of patriotism that begins in the family from the moment a child is born was considered an important task of society. This is fully confirmed by the traditions of education of the Turkmen people and the creative heritage of Magtymguly Fragi. The patriotic poems by Magtymguly Fragi are an invaluable source for educators in educating the younger generation in the spirit of commitment to national traditions, a moral education model for all times.
The poems by Magtymguly Fragi, which make up noble feelings in people, are full of wisdom. The poems by the wise poet are about various aspects of the formation of a perfect personality.
In the period of the Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State, the beautiful ideas put forward in the poems of Magtymguly Fragi are glorified; the importance of the poet’s edifying poems is growing. Today, thanks to the large-scale activities of the Esteemed President, our happy people live in the epoch that the great poet and philosopher Magtymguly dreamed of. This year, various scientific and educational events are being held on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the birth of the great poet.
The book by the National Leader of the Turkmen People, Hero-Arkadag, “Ynsan kalbynyň öçmejek nury (The Unquenchable Torch in the Crown of the Spirit),” reads: “The poems of Magtymguly heal a person like the life-giving water of a mountain spring. These poems are as pure as the morning air. Like the fragrance of a blooming garden, they delight the soul of a person, excite, affecting every cell of the body, like the gentle, melodic, heart-soothing music of the dutar [2, p. 56].”
A vivid confirmation of the recognition of the poet’s work at the world level is the designation of 2024 as “Year of the Great Poet and Philosopher of the Turkic World Magtymguly Fragi” by the International Organization of Turkic Culture (TURKSOY), inclusion of Magtymguly Fragi’s manuscript collection in UNESCO’s “Memory of the World” program and recognition of the 300th anniversary of Magtymguly Fragi’s birth as a UNESCO-celebrated event in 2024-2025.
Magtymguly is one of the scientists and teachers of his time. In Turkmen pedagogical science, it is believed that he was the first to introduce the concept of patriotic education into scientific approach. This is explained by the example of the poet’s numerous lines, since Magtymguly Fragi is recognized as a poet of planetary scale, a great thinker who made a huge contribution to the treasury of world culture. Through magnificent poetic lines, the wise poet emphasizes the importance of parents educating the children from a young age in the spirit of patriotism.
In his poetry, Magtymguly calls on the people, scientists, and teachers to understand the meaning of the words “taraşlap şagladan”. Such wonderful lines of the poet are necessary in the education of descendants. There are many such examples:
“Magtymguly’s speech may be brief, but there are countless thoughts in it;
It is a laughing to the ignorant, an honor – to the wise” [4, p. 33];
Magtymguly bequeathed that his words be perceived as an instruction, and highly valued their educational power:
“If you say the words of a verse to someone who does not understand,
If you put before him the hadiths of the Prophet,
Out of pity, you will explain thousands of words,
Those words will fall on deaf ears.” [5, p. 34]. In these lines, the poet speaks of the importance of following good national teachings.
As the poet wrote:
“Magtymguly, get away the sadness from the dark depths of your soul,
Calm and laziness in a tired heart suffocate.
Do not wait for everyone to wake up, rise up and act in a hurry.
Don't say they won't understand —there are a lot of inquisitive heads.” [4, p. 35]. At the same time, he understood the influence of the power of his words and poetic ideas on public consciousness.
Unification of tribes and unity among them were considered the topical issues of the period when Magtymguly Fragi lived, in accordance with the socio-political situation of that time. In this regard, the poet'’ poems about statehood, unity and harmony became a force awakening a sense of patriotism in the consciousness of each person. The ideological content of such poems is a call for the unity of the people, the unification of tribes, harmony, humanism, the construction of a certain state.
A good fellow always has a holiday,
If any deed is done with the people [6, p. 182]. These lines are a clear confirmation of Magtymguly’s endless love for his native Fatherland. The poet created many poems glorifying patriotism, in which the poet expresses his thoughts about the meaning of the Motherland.
Wanting the unity of the people, the poet believed that if everyone unites for a single goal, serves one state, then no force would be able to defeat the Turkmen. In the poems of the poet-thinker, there is a call to the Turkmen people to unite and serve a single state.
The national tint of Magtymguly’s poems is a powerful tool for the spiritual and moral enrichment of a person. Opening up the reader to the splendor of the world, the poet’s poems evoke in him a sense of pride in the country in which he lives. As Hero-Arkadag emphasizes, through love for the Motherland, the poet discovers the whole world for himself, this love is the melody of his song, the meaning of his life, the basis of his creativity. In this context, it should be noted that the poet’s poems emphasize the social significance of his works in strengthening the sense of patriotism in the individual, their influence on the worldview and the formation of moral qualities in the younger generation.
The poems of Magtymguly Fragi serve the ideas of the national society, its goals; promote the moral values, patriotism, courage, sincerity, unity, statehood. He uses the art of poetry to glorify the classical ideas of morality, hospitality, national identity, decency, love of nature, protection of justice in society, to focus the attention of readers on the greatness of all good feelings. When it comes to the Motherland, it is about the importance of caring for your people, the need to protect your native land as the apple of your eye. The poet pays special attention to the fact that ‘there is nothing more native than the land where you were born and live." This could be seen in concrete examples taken from the poet’s poems:
“Say what you know,
If the nightingale is separated from the flower.
Listen, man, there is nothing more closely to him,
Than his native land, there will be nothing. [6, p.229]. These lines artistically show that “there is no country or region dearer than the one where you were born.”
The great thinker of the East, Magtymguly Fragi, loved his homeland with all his heart and was an example for his people and all descendants. There are many poems in Magtymguly’s works that call for devotion to the homeland. The poet’s creative world, which has become the moral principle of the Turkmen people and its young generation, is dear to all of us; it is the pride of the nation.
The poet’s work has deep roots, is relevant for all generations and immortal for future descendants, since the themes touched upon in his literary heritage are eternal. For example, his wonderful poems, glorifying patriotic feelings, the beauty and nature of our country.
Between the Jeyhun river and the Hazar sea,
The wind of the Turkmen land rises above its deserts,
Its blossoming flowers are as precious as the apples of my black eyes,
Torrents rush from the slopes of its tall black mountains.
The Almighty blessed this land with His care,
The herds of thoroughbred camels graze in its deserts,
Its green meadows will blossom with colorful flowers,
The Turkmen steppes are filled with sweet basil. [6, p.12].
In Magtymguly’s poems, the reader can feel his unity and harmony with nature, get to know it better, learn from nature to be spiritually perfect, a patriot. In other words, the reader will experience the poet's glorious grandeur of the mountains, the inaccessibility of the rocks, the purity of the springs and the tenderness of the flowers.
Magtymguly Fragi, having felt nature with all his soul, with his knowledge and intellect, creative wisdom, demonstrates unique mastery in interaction with the spiritual world of man. The master of artistic words, who subtly describes the beauty of nature, skillfully expressed his lyrical ideas, “decorated” them with poetic language, could bring the spiritual world of man closer to nature, engender in the heart of man a great love for every inch of his native land, reveal the uniqueness of the soul of the individual. Magtymguly’s poems about patriotism, country and people, native land, the beauty of Turkmen nature enrich the spiritual world of man.
They teach young people to appreciate the beauty of the environment, people, and their native land. A person always thinks about the beauty of nature, about the ideas of a fair society, and a peaceful life. Magtymguly’s patriotic poems satisfy the moral ideals of a person, and in this regard enrich his soul. Such poems contribute to the comprehensive development of a person. As can be seen from the above examples, one must fight for the Motherland, the fate of the people. Magtymguly Fragi, who dedicated his work to this, created many deeply meaningful poetic lines about the Motherland. Calling not to leave their native places, the Fatherland, their people, the wise poet reminds that there is no country more native than the Fatherland.
The pricelessness of the literary heritage of the great Fragi is recognized worldwide. It is of great importance in educating the current generation in the spirit of devotion to the Motherland, becoming educated individuals who can take responsibility for the future of the country and the fate of the people.
His works have been translated into Kazakh, Tajik, Armenian, Kyrgyz, Uzbek, English, Russian, Chinese, German, Arabic and Persian. Thus, through the works of the Turkmen poet, people all over the world are familiar with the wise philosophical views, life and worldview of the Turkmen people.
Summarizing what has been said about the literary ideas of the great poet, dedicated to issues of education, the ideals of patriotism; it could be concluded as follow:
♦ In Magtymguly’s poems, patriotic education is put at the forefront. The main task of society is to educate young people in the spirit of patriotism;
♦ the formation of patriotic feelings in the younger generation begins from the moment of birth. Humanism, considered the basis of moral education, begins to form in the family in which the child grows up, based on familiarization with the beauty of nature, the magnificence of the surrounding world;
♦ scientific views that the main place in the formation of patriotism, morality and character of the younger generation is occupied by pedagogical and psychological influence on the child are recognized by famous scientists, teachers, psychologists and writers;
♦ the patriotic poems by Magtymguly Fragi, which have reached our days through the centuries, serve as the main principle in the formation of social education.
Despite the fact that 300 years have passed, the poet’s poems with their spiritual and moral content are of special importance for the Turkmen society and international community. Magtymguly’s poems, calling for love for the Motherland, unity, friendship and brotherhood, are invaluable for today and will be relevant in the future. Such poems act as principles of morality for many generations of the courageous Turkmen people, in the formation of true masters of their native land - the sacred Fatherland.