Rector of the Academy of State Service

under the President of Turkmenistan,



Senior lecturer


The esteemed President notes that “the rapid pace of implementation of our reforms in a market economy depends primarily on the competence of civil servants and managerial personnel, the breadth of their outlook, their activity and their organizational abilities” (1, p. 106). Indeed, the stability of any state depends on the degree of excellence in public administration. And the perfection of managerial activity depends, first of all, on professional abilities, morality, high level of culture and good manners of employees of state bodies - public servants.

In the context of the ongoing work to bring public administration in Turkmenistan in line with the growing demands of the times, the Dear President pays special attention to issues related to the upbringing of civil servants. In order to always achieve success and positive results in work and life, a public servant must cultivate a number of qualities. This can also be defined as "Public Servant Ethics" or "Public Servant Code of Conduct.

Article 2 of the Law on ethics and official conduct of a public servant states the following about official conduct of officials: "Official conduct - a set of norms that express the requirements of the state and society to the moral essence of public service, which are the basis for the formation of rules of conduct of public servants in the implementation of their official activity" [3, Article 2]. This law contains extensive information on the peculiarities of public service, necessary for public servants moral and ethical norms, service ethics and manners of conduct in public service.

Modern etiquette reflects the rules, traditions, and customs of all the peoples of the world from antiquity to the present day. These traditions and customs are, for the most part, common to all. They are established not for the representatives of any society, but for the various socio-political systems of the modern world. According to experts, 85 percent of people who have earned a good reputation are awarded some prestigious position because of their ability to maintain good relations with others, and 15 percent because of their excellent knowledge. This once again proves that success and prestige can be achieved by observing the rules of behavior and the laws of active communication.

Each nation complements, enriches and improves the etiquette depending on the social life of its country, the peculiarities of its historical origin, national traditions, making adjustments and changes in it. This is due to the fact that in today's rapidly changing world it is important to act in accordance with modern realities, including the use of all new opportunities in the moral and ethical foundations. From this point of view we need to know international etiquette, speech communities and features.

Well-manneredness is a very broad concept. It encompasses all rules, good manners, and culture in a person's character and human relationships. Positive qualities of character, good actions, grown from behavior to etiquette, from concepts to customs, are always perceived with approval. This is the main factor conditioning the progress of the work. Moral value is a great treasure. The Turkmen people have reached great heights of greatness in the past precisely because they have great respect for their moral and literary values. Scholars, sages and mentors of past centuries considered it an honor to establish relations with the Turkmen. At the root of all this are excellent qualities of character and healthy attitudes derived from the concept of "educated".

It is not by chance that our Hero Arkadag pays close attention to spiritual and moral values and proper upbringing as priority directions of the state policy. The urgent need in the ever-changing modern world is to take special comprehensive care of this value, exalting Turkmens as a nation. It is the duty of every citizen, which is especially relevant for civil servants.

Arkadag paid special attention to the revival of national culture, identity, traditions, customs, language, specific features, history of his people, and in general our mentality, national culture, serving as a fundamental basis for the rise of the nation to unprecedented heights. The ability to be proud of one’s nation is a sign of a perfect person. The beautiful books given to us by our Esteemed Arkadag contain many reflections on words, as well as advice not to use an unkind word so as not to offend people, not to leave unhealed wounds in their hearts, not to hurt their self-esteem. In addition, the novel “The Bird of Happiness”, dedicated to our national values and noble principles, as well as a number of beautiful books such as “Tea - A Healer and Inspiration,” “Rapid Step of a Race Horse”, “Music of Peace, Music of Friendship and Brotherhood, “The Brave Exalt the Motherland,” “Turkmenistan - Heart of the Great Silk Road,” “Worshipping a Mother - Worshipping sacred person”, and “The Horse - a Faithfulness and Happiness Symbol” serve as methodological guides for us in training outstanding public servants. In these wonderful books imbued with wisdom a special respect is paid to the sanctity of our beloved Motherland, noble traditions and customs of our people carried through the centuries, and national values created by them. Theese books centralize the love for our Motherland, national values, which play an important role in the life of the Turkmen people. As an example, from the novel The Bird of Happiness: “The way of life of my adored idol is an exemplary way for me, his noble high moral qualities are my ideal, my university of life”2 . As can be seen from the lines cited, these phrases emphasize moral qualities, valuable ideas of love for the Motherland, the nation, and parents, as well as purposefulness and spirituality. At the same time, the traditions of national upbringing and the principles of our ancestors, reflected in the works of our National Leader, represent a model school for us. Indeed, our national moral norms, passed down over the centuries from generation to generation, from father to son, from mother to daughter, have a high degree of perfection and a solid scientific foundation. They are reflected in the continuity of life and creativity of our people, as well as in many works that constitute a trove of wisdom of the rich treasury of our national heritage, such as “Kovusnama”, “Gorkut Ata”, “Wagzy Azat”, “Gorogly”. These are not only literary or artistic works, but also scholarly works with profound content, values in which the greatness of our national moral culture is concentrated.

When evaluating a man's personality, his tact, discipline, and manners are primarily taken into account. Our great master of words, Magtymguly Fraghi, in his poem "Look how he sits and gets up" notes the following about the behavior of men:

If you want to know what some djigit is like,

Look at how he stands and sits in public.

And about the behavior of women:

If you want to get to know a lady or girl,

Look at her manners, tact, and bearing [4, p. 402].

As can be seen from these lines, the thinker-poet Magtymguly Fraghi considered it his duty to spread the ideas of humanity and virtue, moral purity, to awaken a sense of love for the homeland, labor, life, beauty, friendship and unity, to glorify human dignity, to cause antipathy to the inappropriate for people brought up bad character traits.

In light of the Leader of the Nation's humane motto, "The State is for the individual!" the primary task of public servants is to serve the people and the people. One of the paramount requirements of public servants is their ability to receive people who come to public authorities properly and to listen to their complaints and suggestions. A public servant is the face of the state, which means he or she must find the "key" to people's hearts from the very first step in his or her position. This task includes a number of requirements, ranging from austere clothing that is not conspicuous, to decent appearance, a confident look, affability, clear and distinct speech, clear questions, accurate and understandable answers, etc. Compliance with these requirements allows the civil servant to immediately "find a common language" and work with people on the basis of mutual trust, get a lot of information. Speaking of which, the image, culture of speech, manners and behavior of a public servant should be closely combined. One of the main requirements for his actions is that his words and deeds be in harmony, for while his professional honor calls for honesty, humanity and humanity, the correspondence between his words and deeds makes it necessary for him to be accurate in all events and information.

Of course, as we have already noted, the main task of civil servants is to maintain direct contact with society. The word is humanity's greatest value in communicating with people, in expressing empathy. If to judge from the words of father of Magtymguly Dovletmamed Azadi that causing offence to man is a thousand times worse than destruction of Kaaba, it turns out that causing offence to man means his spiritual impairment, and the soul is the main support of morality. The soul is a totality of morally permitted, spiritualized and psychically expressed natural desires, i.e. the soul is an individual unit of human psyche. Therefore, the soul is characterized by beautiful qualities, such as zeal and reverie, unselfishness and purity, beauty, prudence, decency, and modesty.

That is why the content of Magtymguly poems and aesthetic views are imbued with high and noble qualities of humanity, beauty and charm of the human spirit. Magtymguly dreamed of richness and beauty of the spiritual world, and purity of all people. He devoted all his creative work to the people. In addition, meaningful lines about heartfelt kindness, warmth and purity, the word and its meaning pass as a red thread through all the work of our great master:

“Never say hurtful words to a person,

The poor and hungry need your help more” (4, p. 397).

With these lines he emphasizes that in life one should form and develop positive qualities in oneself. When a word comes from the heart, its light does not go out. According to the sages, the word is holy because it sinks into the heart. The poet also wanted everyone to be sweet-tongued, realizing that sweet, kind words take root deep in people's hearts and can even melt stone. Of course, a kind word coming from the heart inspires people to the bright future. The Turkmen people attach great importance to the power of words. Our great Magtymguly used to say:

"Makhtumkuli, whether good or bad,

Either be silent, or speak decently" [4, p. 279].

That is why everyone avoids bad words, trying to speak beautifully and make a good impression on people. In giving advice to his apprentices, Avicenna said, "To become a physician, you need three things: knowledge of medicine, medical instruments, and a good-natured face and an affectionate word. Therefore, the public servant must first cultivate conversational skills and politeness. It is the surest way to people's hearts.

May the wise words "May we all have the opportunity to selflessly serve our dear Fatherland and our native people!" [5, Newspaper "Turkmenistan", February 14, 2019] will give spiritual support to each of us in our principles of life! For, as our National Leader notes, the unity of the state and the people is the prosperity of our dear Motherland.




1. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. To the New Heights of Progress. Volume 3. – А.: Turkmen State Publishing Service, 2010. P. 106.

2. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. The novel “The Bird of Happiness” - А.: Turkmen State Publishing Service, 2013. P. 5.

3. Law on Ethics and Official Conduct of Public Servants. Data from the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, 2016 г.

4. Magtymguly – А.: Turkmen State Publishing Service, 2014. P. 402.